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Play + Learning = Smart Kids

Whole Child Approach

The philosophy of education at Children's Village of Orchards centers on the whole child. The basic element is respect. A warm, loving environment, combined with a well-trained and creative staff stimulates a child’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. CVO provides a happy and comfortable atmosphere where children can build trust with the adults who care for them. Our children feel secure in the knowledge that they are loved and wanted. We show them the appreciation, acceptance and respect they deserve.

Education Through Play

At Children's Village of Orchards we believe educational development through play is the best way to encourage learning. Within our daily schedule, each child has the opportunity to create and explore. Problem solving and critical thinking skills are taught through self-initiated and teacher directed activities. CVO provides a world that is child-oriented and planned so children can develop at a rate that meets their individual need. We also establish daily routines that children can expect and cope with.


Positive Self & Respect for Others

We teach children to understand and accept each other and to resolve difficulties without feelings of anxiety or guilt. We develop each child’s positive self-concept in an environment designed to foster a sense of independence and possibility.

We ensure that infants receive individual feedings and attention, auditory and visual experiences and lots of cuddling within secure and warm relationships.


Swimming is included

Children's Village of Orchards is unique because it has a swimming pool. Each week we teach children how to have fun and be safe in the water.

Swimming at Children's Village of Orchards
Washington Early Achievers

We are proud to be a Washington Early Achievers Participant.


Our curriculum is theme based and prepared around goals developed by the state of Washington's Early Childhood Education Department. We have met a level 3 rating and specialize in curriculum and staff supports as well as family engagement and partnership.


During each year we make every effort to reach those goals with your child through our curriculum. For more information on our curriculum see the following class pages:

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