Our Toddler Program welcomes 1 to 2 1/2 year old babies. Our primary goal at this early age is to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which children are cared for based on their individual needs and schedules to help with transitioning from home to school and back again.
At Children's Village of Orchards, we help meet the needs of your children by providing the necessary spaces to best stimulate their senses and develop their fine and gross motor skills.

Snuggle Bunnies (1-2 1/2 yr.)
In the Snuggle Bunnies class we provide an inviting environment in which your walking (or soon to be walking) child can safely learn through discovery and exploration of their surroundings. Teachers use music, singing, sensory and other activities to promote all aspects of development. Teachers use positive redirection methods to help the child learn and grow.
While in this classroom your child will be presented with multiple opportunities to reach Early Achievers age appropriate milestones.

Our curriculum includes:
Methods to reduce separation anxiety
Methods to gain coping skills
Engaging in activities to promote the senses (ex: playdough, water tub)
Engage in activities that promote literacy (listening to books)
Engage in activities that promote math skills (blocks, ball rolling, stacking)
Gross motor skill building (tunnel, playground)
Mealtime mannerisms and skills (eat with spoon, stay at the table)
Learn names of friends and teachers...and more!

When age permits, we talk with the parent about promoting the child up to the next class. Children spend a few days transitioning to get used to the change.